
  요한 계시록 시리즈의 책.

윌리엄 브래넘.


애리조나에서, 제퍼슨로 돌아 말했다 후 형제 브래넘,이 시리즈를 전파.
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초자연적 구름입니다

God - hidden and revealed in simplicity ( 영어 )
Breach between the 7 Church Ages and the Seals ( 영어 )
첫째 인
둘째 인
세 째 인
네째 인
다섯째 인
여섯째 인
일곱 인 문답
일곱째 인

   Resume of The Seven Seals.

The Seven Seals.

첫째 인.

Brother Branham taught that the rider represents the antichrist spirit. The white horse is a disguise. The rider is pretending to be righteous in order to infiltrate the church. The white horse symbolizes how innocently all this began. In one of John’s letters, he tells the early church that the antichrist spirit is already on the earth. He’s a bluff. He has no spiritual power. Satan uses deception to manipulate political power.

둘째 인.

After reading the second seal, Brother Branham explained his revelation. The rider of this red horse is the same one who was riding the white horse. It is Satan again, just changing horses, that is, changing the form of his attack against the true church. The red horse symbolized the blood of the Christian martyrs who would die under the sword of the first false prophet (Damasus, 304 to 384 A.D.), and subsequent false prophets, who were the popes, cardinals, and bishops of a mock Christian church.

세 째 인.

Brother Branham taught that the same rider who previously rode the white and red horses, changed horses yet a third time. The black horse symbolizes the darkness of spiritual ignorance. As the rider on the black horse begins his ride, it is a dark time for the children of God. A voice comes from the midst of the four beasts that surround the throne. It is the voice of the Lamb, saying, “See thou hurt not the oil and the wine.” The oil symbolizes God’s Holy Spirit. The wine symbolizes the stimulation of the revelation that God’s spirit brings.

네째 인.

Brother Branham explained how this pale horse carried the same rider as the three horses before it. The pale color of its hide symbolized a mixture of the white, red, and black horses, blending religious, political, and demonic powers in the last days. Notice how the mysterious rider remained nameless through the first three horses. Now, on this pale horse, the rider is called Death. Hell followed him.

다섯째 인.

Who are these people that the fifth seal shows standing around a heavenly altar? They are not martyred Christians, as so many Bible teachers have supposed. They aren’t killed for any connection to Jesus Christ; but rather, they are martyred for the “Word of God, and the testimony they held.” These people are Jews who stayed true to the laws of Moses.

여섯째 인.

The sixth seal is an interruption in the functioning order of the natural world. It begins with a tremendous earthquake, followed by erupting volcanoes, nuclear war, and terrible plagues. Under the timeframe of the sixth seal occur the seven trumpets, the three woes, and the seven last plagues spoken of in Revelation chapters 8 through 17.

일곱째 인.

Although no one spoke or moved in heaven, John was distinctly aware of the passage of time. Brother Branham explained there was silence in heaven because this seal must remain a secret. If Satan knew what lay beneath this seal he would try to pervert it just like he had always done in the past. To prevent that from happening, the seventh seal must keep its mysterious nature.

Extracts from "Supernatural Book 6"
by Owen Jorgensen.

   The Webmaster Says...

This resume has been compiled from the book "Supernatural -Book 6" and is impossibly brief. It does not do justice to the series preached by Brother Branham, or to the book written by Owen Jorgensen. We recommend downloading the complete series. - Webmaster.

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계시록 5:1-3

계시록의 책
다음 페이지에서 계속.
(신화학. - 상기 소스, 바빌론.)

초자연적 시리즈의 책 육.

Owen Jorgensen.


Christian Books.

메시지 허브....언어를 선택하고 형제 브래넘 에서 무료로 메시지를 다운로드합니다.

그리스도의 신비

영어 뉴스 사이트입니다.

계시록의 책

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그는 상승한다.

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초자연적 구름입니다.

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발람의 교리.

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- 공실.

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공실. 이메일

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공실 Ron Millevo 이메일

일곱 교회 시대

포스터 - 일곱.