அவரது சர்ச் வெளியிலிருந்து கிறிஸ்து.

  வெளிப்படுத்துதல் தொடரின் புத்தக.

அவரது சர்ச் வெளியிலிருந்து கிறிஸ்து.

William Branham.

இந்த கணக்கிற்கு (தமிழ்) படிக்கவும்...
தேவாலயத்தில் வயது.

வெளிப்படுத்தின விசேஷம 3:20-22, இதோ, வாசற்படியிலே நின்று தட்டுகிறேன்; ஒருவன் என் சத்தத்தைக்கேட்டு, கதவைத் திறந்தால், அவனிடத்தில் நான் பிரவேசித்து, அவனோடே போஜனம்பண்ணுவேன், அவனும் என்னோடே போஜனம்பண்ணுவான். நான் ஜெயங்கொண்டு என் பிதாவினுடைய சிங்காசனத்திலே அவரோடேகூட உட்கார்ந்ததுபோல, ஜெயங்கொள்ளுகிறவனெவனோ அவனும் என்னுடைய சிங்காசனத்தில் என்னோடேகூட உட்காரும்படிக்கு அருள்செய்வேன். ஆவியானவர் சபைகளுக்குச் சொல்லுகிறதைக் காதுள்ளவன் கேட்கக்கடவன் என்றெழுது என்றார்.

Now there is a great deal of confusion over this verse because so many personal workers use it in personal evangelism as though Jesus were at the heart's door of every sinner knocking for admission. It would then be said that if the sinner opened the door, the Lord would come in. But this verse is not talking to individual sinners. This whole message has a summation as does every message in every age. In verse 22 it says, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the CHURCHES." So this is the message to the church of the last age. This is the condition of the Laodicean church as its end nears. It is not a personal message to one person; it is the Spirit telling us where Jesus is. CHRIST HAS LEFT THE CHURCH. Is this not the logical result or end if the Word is put aside for creed, the Holy Spirit deposed for popes, bishops, presidents, counselors, etc., and the Saviour set aside for a works program, or church joining, or some type of conformity to a church system? What more can be done against Him? This is the apostasy! This is the falling away! This is the open door to antichrist, for if One came in His Father's Name (Jesus) and was not received, but rejected, then there will come another with his own name (liar, a pretender) and him they will receive, John 5:43. The man of sin, that son of perdition will take over.

Matthew 24, mentions signs in the heavens concerning this last day just before Jesus comes. I wonder if you noticed such a sign recently fulfilled as to portray the very truth we have been discussing. That truth is that Jesus has been steadily pushed aside until in the last age He is pushed outside the church. Recall that in the first age it was almost a full orbed church of truth. Yet there was a little error called the deeds of the Nicolaitanes that kept the circle from being full. Then in the next age more darkness crept in until the ball of light glowed less, and darkness covered more of the circle. In the third age it was eclipsed still more, and in the fourth age which was the Dark Ages, the light had all but gone. Now think on this. The church shines in the reflected light of Christ. He is the SUN. The church is the MOON. Thus this orb of light is the moon. It had decreased from almost a full moon in the first age, to a sliver in the fourth age. But in the fifth age it began to grow. In the sixth it took a great step of growth forward. In part of the seventh age it was still growing, when suddenly it stopped short, and waned to almost a nothingness, so that instead of light it was the blackness of apostasy, and at the end of the age it had ceased to shine for darkness had taken over. Christ was now outside the church. Here is the sign in the sky. The last eclipse of the moon was a total eclipse. It waned to a total darkness in seven stages. In the seventh stage, the total darkness came as the Pope of Rome (Paul the Sixth) went to Palestine to make a holy tour of Jerusalem. He was the first pope to ever go to Jerusalem. The pope is named Paul the Sixth.

Paul was the first messenger and this man goes by that name. Notice it is the sixth, or the number of man. This is more than a coincidence. And when he went to Jerusalem, the moon or the church went into total darkness. This is it. This is the end. This generation shall not pass away until all be fulfilled. Even so Lord Jesus, come quickly!

Now we can see why there were two vines, one true and one false. Now we can see why Abraham had two sons, one after the flesh (he persecuted Isaac) and one after promise. Now we can see how that out of the same parents two boys came forth as twins, one knowing and loving the things of God, and the other knowing much of the same truth, but not of the same Spirit, and hence persecuted the child that was elect. God did not reprobate for the sake of reprobation. He reprobated for the sake of the elect. ELECT CANNOT persecute elect.

ELECT CANNOT harm elect. It is the reprobates that persecute and destroy the elect. Oh, those reprobates are religious. They are smart. They are of the Cain line, the serpent seed. They build their Babels, they build their cities, they build their empires, and all the while calling on God. They hate the true seed, and they will do all they can, (even in the Name of the Lord) to destroy God's elect ones. But they are needed. "What is the chaff to the wheat?" No chaff, no wheat. But at the end, what happens to the chaff? It is burned with fire unquenchable. And the wheat? Where is it? It is gathered in His garner. It is where He is.

Oh elect of God, beware. Study closely. Be careful. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Rely upon God and be strong in His might. Your adversary, the devil, is even now going about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Watch unto prayer and be steadfast. This is the end time. Both the true and false vine are coming into maturity, but before the wheat matures, those ripened tares must be bound for the burning. See, they are all joining the World Council Of Churches. That is the binding. Soon the garnering of the wheat will come. But right now the two spirits are at work in two vines. Come out from among the tares. Start to overcome that you may be considered praiseworthy for your Lord, and fit to reign and rule with Him.

இந்த கணக்கிற்கு (தமிழ்) படிக்கவும்...
லவோதிக்கேயா தேவாலயத்தில் வயது.

வெளிப்படுத்தல் புத்தகத்தை.
அடுத்த பக்கத்தில் தொடர்கிறது.
(தொன்மவியல்.மூல, பாபிலோன்.)

   புனித நூல்களை என்கிறார்...

அந்த நாட்களுக்குப்பின்பு நான் இஸ்ரவேல் குடும்பத்தாரோடே பண்ணும் உடன்படிக்கையாவது: என்னுடைய பிரமாணங்களை அவர்களுடைய மனதிலே வைத்து, அவர்களுடைய இருதயங்களில் அவைகளை எழுதுவேன்; நான் அவர்கள் தேவனாயிருப்பேன், அவர்கள் என் ஜனமாயிருப்பார்கள்.

எபிரெயர 8:10

நாம் அறிவோம்
இது அந்த க
டந்த வயது,
இஸ்ரேல் ஏனெனில்

செய்தி கேந்திரமாகவும்... உங்கள் மொழியை தேர்வு மற்றும் சகோதரன் பிரான்ஹாம் இருந்து இலவச செய்திகளை பதிவிறக்க.

ஆங்கிலம் செய்திமடல் வலைத்தளத்தில்.


நல்ல செய்தி.
உன் பாவத்திற் காக
இயேசு, இறந்தார்.




முதல் பாவம்.
அது ஒரு ஆப்பிள்



எங்கள் வயது,

அவரது சர்ச்


மர்ம பாபிலோன்.

PDF கள் அல்லது முழு
அளவு சித்திரத்தை பதிவிறக்கப்
படத்தை கிளிக் செய்யவும்.

Acts of the Prophet.

(PDF ஆங்கிலம்)

மற்றும் புஷ் உயர்ந்தது

தீ அல்லிகள்.

ஹூஸ்டன் 1950
- தீ தூண்.

பிரமிடு பாறை மீது