Mafhungo madifha.
Mudzimu shango o ḽi funa zwihulu.
Johanisi 3:16 Mudzimu shango o ḽi funa zwihulu lwe a vhuya a kumedza Murwa wawe muthihi fhedzi, uri muṅwe na muṅwe ane a mu fulufhela a si lovhe, tshawe hu vhe u wana vhutshilo vhu sa gumi.
Vhoṱhe vho tshinya.
Vharoma 3:10 A hu na na muthihi zwawe a re muvhuya;
Vharoma 3:23 vhoṱhe vho tshinya, vho ḓikhaukanya na Mudzimu wa vhugala.
Yesu, Ene Ngwana ya Mudzimu.
Johanisi 1:29 Nga matshelo Johanisi a vhona Yesu a tshi khou ḓa khae, a ri, “Khoyu-ha Ene Ngwana ya Mudzimu, o hwalaho vhutshinyi ha shango!”
Johanisi 1:36 A vhona Yesu a tshi khou fhira, a ri, “Khoyu-ha Ene Ngwana ya Mudzimu.”
Ene tshipfumelo tsha vhutshinyi hashu.
1 Johanisi 2:2 Ndi Ene tshipfumelo tsha vhutshinyi hashu, nahone vhu si hashu fhedzi, na ha shango ḽoṱhe.
Vhagalata 1:4 Khristo o ḓikumedza nga mulandu wa vhutshinyi hashu uri nga u funa ha Mudzimu a re Khotsi ashu a ri lamukise kha zwa ino misi mivhi.
Mudzimu o mu vusa vhafuni.
Vharoma 10:9 Ḽi ri arali u tshi bula nga mulomo uri Yesu ndi Muṋe washu, u tshi tenda mbiluni uri Mudzimu o mu vusa vhafuni, u ḓo tshidzwa.
Vharoma 6:9 Ri a zwi ḓivha uri Khristo ó vuwa vhafuni ha tsha fa; lufu a lu tshee na maanḓa khae.
Mishumo 4:10 zwi ḓivheni-ha inwi na vhathu vhoṱhe vha Israele uri hoyu munna a tshi ima phanḓa haṋu ó fhola tshoṱhe, zwo itwa nga maanḓa a dzina ḽa Yesu Khristo wa Nazaretha, onouḽa we inwi na mu vhamba kha tshifhambano, Mudzimu Ene a mu vusa vhafuni.
Rembuluwani... U tshi tenda mbiluni.
Mishumo 16:31 Vhone vha tshi fhindula vha ri, “Fulufhelani Muṋe washu Yesu, ndi hone ni tshi ḓo tshidzwa, inwi na muṱa waṋu woṱhe.”
Mishumo 15:11 Hufha roṱhe riṋe na vhannḓa ri tshi tenda uri ri tou tshidzwa nga tshilidzi tsha Muṋe washu Yesu!
Uri a hangwelwe vhutshinyi nga O dzina.
(Ndovhedzo nga maḓi.)
Mishumo 2:38 Pitrosi a fhindula a ri, “Rembuluwani, muṅwe na muṅwe a lovhedzwe nga dzina ḽa Yesu Khristo uri a hangwelwe vhutshinyi, ndi hone Mudzimu a tshi ḓo mu ṋea Muya Mukhethwa.”
Ndovhedzo nga Muya Mukhethwa.
Vharoma 8:11 Huno arali Muya wa o vusaho Yesu vhafuni a tshi dzula kha inwi, Ene o vusaho Khristo vhafuni, na mivhili yaṋu i faho u ḓo i ṋea vhutshilo nga Muya wawe a no dzula kha inwi.
Now, Paul said, when the worshipper come and bring the little... If he done wrong, he come with this little lamb. Now, the high priest looked it over, the priest did, seen there was nothing wrong with the lamb, checked him up, see if it was all right; and if it did, then he laid the little lamb down on the altar.And here come the man that done wrong; he said, "Now, I have been stealing. And I now know that I'm subject to death, because I have did wrong. God wouldn't want me to steal; His commandment says not.
Now, I'm going to lay my hands upon this little lamb. And God's commandments here said, 'Thou shalt not steal,' and I stole. So I'm... I know I'm subject to death. Something's got to answer for my sin, 'cause I stole. And God said the day I eat thereof, that day I die. So I stole. And God said, 'You steal, you got to die for it.' So He required if I didn't want to die, I had to bring the lamb. So I lay the lamb down here; I put my hands on this little fellow's head, and him just bleating and going on. And I say, 'Lord God, I'm sorry that I stole. I confess and promise You I won't steal anymore if You'll just accept me now. And for my sacrifice, and for my death, this little lamb's going to die in my place.
From... Law or Grace (1954) - William Branham.
(PDF English)
“Zwi ḓivheni-ha inwi noṱhe Vhaisraele uri vhukumakuma onoyo Yesu we na mu vhamba kha tshifhambano Mudzimu o mu ita Muṋe wa zwoṱhe, o mu ita Mesia.”
Vhathu vha tshi pfa zwenezwo zwa vha ṱhavha, vha vhudzisa Pitrosi na vhaḽa vhaṅwe vhaapostola vha ri, “Zwino ri iteni-ha?”
Pitrosi a fhindula a ri, “Rembuluwani, muṅwe na muṅwe a lovhedzwe nga dzina ḽa Yesu Khristo uri a hangwelwe vhutshinyi, ndi hone Mudzimu a tshi ḓo mu ṋea Muya Mukhethwa.
Ene Muya, Mudzimu o mu fulufhedzisa inwi na vhana vhaṋu, khathihi na vhoṱhe vha dzulaho mashangoni a kule, vhoṱhe vhane Mudzimu Muṋe washu a ḓo vha vhidza.”
Mishumo 2:36-39
Kha vha dzhene kha tshifanyiso u itela u sudzulusa tshifanyiso tsho fhelelaho.
Kha vha dzhene kha tshifanyiso u itela u sudzulusa tshifanyiso tsho fhelelaho kana PDF.
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