Question and Answers 1.
Water Baptism.
Q. I have been baptised in a denominational church, using the titles of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Should I be baptised again ?
A.Definitely. The Bible said there was no other "Name" by which, we can be saved. At one time a Catholic priest said, he was not worried about the Protestants, as they were all baptised, by a Catholic doctrine, into the Catholic church.
Some believers in Acts 19, were asked if they had recieved the Holy Ghost "since they believed". They said they had been baptised under John's baptism. They were commanded to be rebaptised, in the name of the Lord, in order to receive the Holy Ghost.
Book of Daniel.
Q. Many teachers claim the book of Daniel, was written by someone else. Could this be true ?
A. The book of Daniel is so accurate, the claim is made that someone else wrote it later on. The problem with this way of thinking, is that the book talks of things that happened, after the earliest copy of the book was known of.
Jesus referred to Daniel as a prophet, not as a historian.
Q. Some have said that Brother Branham prophesied that the Lord would come in 1977 ? Is this true ?
A. Brother Branham made the statement, that "as a student of scripture", Jesus should return by then. He then went on to say "I could miss it by 10 years, I could miss it by 40 years, I could miss it by 100 years, but I don't think so."
The reason he made this statement, was that 1977 was the 70th jubilee year, and that God had dealt with the Gentiles for the same length of time, as He had the Jews since Abraham.
There was a period of about 40 years, after the crucifixion, until the time the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.
In 1977, things started to happen in the message, around the world. Different Brothers, claimed that the Message began to "open up" to them in a greater way, so that it was no more just "God sent a prophet", but the things this prophet told us began to be revealed to the Bride.
Life's trials.
Q. Why do bad things happen to good people ?
A. Sometimes God has to cause things to happen to us, to get our attention.
Brother Branham said sometimes He has to put us on our back, (sickness) to make us look up.
It can be God working out His plan in our lives.
This is demonstrated in the life of Paul, who had a mighty revival, and then was arrested, had to appeal to Ceasar, and was sent to Rome where he remained in prison (house arrest) for five years. It was during this time that he wrote a large portion of the New Testament, in the form of letters.
God considered this so important, (to give us these scriptures) that Paul had to be taken from the revival and put in prison, so that this could be achieved. What a great plan.
Child Sacrifice.
Q. Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on the mountain? Isn't God opposed to those who sacrifice children?
A. Yes. God is opposed to child sacrifice. He calls it an abomination in Deuteromomy 12:31, and commands that the Israelites not do such things.
This story shows us the nature of God's love towards us, because Abraham, is a "type" of God, sacrificing his only son Jesus.
We are also represented as a "type" in Isaac, who was to die, yet God provided a ram caught in a thicket (Jesus).
Abraham called the place "Jehovah Jireh", which means "The Lord will provide" Himself a sacrifice. The mountain where this occurred is the Temple mount in Jerusalem today.
Good versus Evil.
Q. If God made everything perfect, (including Lucifer), Why did Lucifer fall, and cause all the trouble since, in Heaven and in Earth ?
A. In the begining God made everything perfect. But Lucifer, (who was also perfect), had a choice. He said "I will ascend into heaven ...", I will exalt myself ... ", "I will sit ...", "I will be like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:12-14). Here we see his fault - pride and selfishness.
Why did it happen ? - because God, who wanted to display His Attributes, as Savior, Healer, Redeemer, Father, Friend, Bridegroom, ... and so on, needed things to not be perfect.
Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations:
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
1 Peter 1:6,7
John the Baptist was a sign. After four hundred years with no prophets, John the Baptist was a sign of the coming of the Messiah. John announced Him, that He would come. And then when... What happened? The Jewish race was cut off from the tree of salvation. And John was the announcement of the coming of judgment.God always uses prophets for His signs. Now, don't forget that, when you see a prophet coming on the age. And I believe that we're promised one, and I'm looking for it. In Malachi 4 it said...
William Branham - Super Sign (1962)
![]() William Branham Life Story. (PDF) |
![]() Pearry Green personal testimony. (PDF) |