Books and Resources
- The Two Babylons - by Rev Alexander Hislop
- Nun's Testimony
- Foxes Book of Martyrs
- Life of Martin Luther
- 50 Years in the Church of Rome
- Elijah The Tishbite
- Moon of Israel by H.R. Haggard [Romance set in the time of Moses]
- Pillar of Fire
- Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz
- Ben-Hur A tale of the Christ by Lewis Wallis
- Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Montgomery
- Anne of Avonlea by Lucy Montgomery
- Anne of the Island by Lucy Montgomery
- Anne of Ingleside by Lucy Montgomery
- Anne's House of Dreams by Lucy Montgomery
- Rainbow Valley by Lucy Montgomery
- Rilla of Ingleside by Lucy Montgomery
- The Prince of the House of David
- 00_Preface -Antiquities of the Jews
- 01_Creation to the death of Isaac
- 02_Death of Isaac to the Exodus
- 03_Exodus to the Rejection
- 04_Rejection to the death of Moses
- 05_Death of Moses to the death of Eli
- 06_Death of Eli to the death of Saul
- 07_Death of Saul to the death of David
- 08_Death of David to the death of Ahab
- 09_Death of Ahab to the Captivity
- 10_Captivity of Jews
- 11_Cyrus to Alexander
- 12_Alexander to Judas Maccabeus
- 13_Judas Maccabeus to Queen Alexandra
- 14_Queen Alexandra to Antigonus
- 15_Antigonus to Herod
- 16_Herod to Alexander and Aristobulus
- 17_Alexander and Aristobulus to Archelaus
- 18_Archelaus to Departure from Babylon
- 19_Departure from Babylon to Fadus
- 20_From Fadus to Florus
- Baptism of the Holy Ghost - without sensation. - Dean Gilchrist.
- Sovereignity of the Local Church - Charles Wilson.
- Asia Pacific 2013 Conference - Richard Oliver.
- A man sent from God - Gordon Lindsay
- The acts of the prophet Pearry Green
- Life Story - William Branham
- Supernatural Bk6 - Owen Jorgensen
- Beyond the Curtain of Time - William Branham
- The Seventh Seal - Owen Jorgensen
- Pearry Green Testimony -2008 - Pearry Green
- Exposition of Seven Church Ages -William Branham
- British Columbia Testimonies - Tuscon Tabernacle
Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.
John 5:19,20
There are many titles in the Global Answers series, produced by Believers Christian Fellowship, Ohio, USA. These are half hour long programs that were broadcast on satellite networks around the world. It features straight forward teaching suitable for introducing the message of Brother Branham to christians of other groups.
Available from:
![]() Haiti Earthquake |
Endtimes Page |
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Supernatural series. Book 6. by Owen Jorgensen Available from: ![]() Supernatural Christian Books. |
![]() DVD - Global Answers Series |
![]() Christ at 33. Hofmann. |
A rare and finely tuned array of factors make Earth suitable for complex life. We depend on our planet's water, oxygen rich atmosphere, it's large moon, it's planetary neighbours, it's precise position in the solar system and the Milky way galaxy.
Interviews with scientists, leaders in their fields, reveal many other factors that show our planet did not just happen as a "fluke" but was designed by a loving and mighty Creator.
Available from: The Privaleged Planet Website.
![]() Daniel Poster Available from: Email: |
![]() DVD - The search for purpose in the universe |