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  Living Word series.

The two laws of Deuteronomy.

William Branham.

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Deuteronomy 16:2-4,
2 Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of thy flocks and thy herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to put his name there.
3 Thou shalt eat no leavened bread with it; seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread therewith, even the bread of affliction; for thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste: that thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life.
4 And there shall be no leavened bread seen with thee in all thy coast seven days; neither shall there any thing of the flesh, which thou sacrificedst the first day at even, remain all night until the morning.

Now, the word "Deuteronomy," the word itself means "two laws," the word "Deuteronomy." And God has two laws. The two laws: one of them is disobedient to the Word and die; and the other one is obedience to the Word and live. That's the two laws, and "Deuteronomy" means those "two laws." They have both been absolutely displayed to us in the Scripture. One of them is death; the other one is Life: Life and death. God deals only in Life, Satan only in death. And these was displayed to the world publicly, openly before every eye, and there's no excuse for it. One of them was displayed on Mount Sinai when the law was given, which condemned the whole human race to death. The other one was give on Mount Calvary, that brought the whole human race to Life, when the penalty was paid in Jesus Christ. The two laws of Deuteronomy was fulfilled in these two great things.

I want you to notice again; there was also two covenants give. One covenant was given to Adam, which was on conditions like law: "If you will not touch this, then you will live; but if you touch this, you will die." That was a law. Then there was another law given to Abraham, which was by grace, unconditionally: "I have saved you and your seed," after him. Amen. That is a type of Calvary, not the type of--of--of Adam covenant; it's a Abrahamic covenant. But now we hear Him say there is only one place where He will meet man to worship. We read it right here in my text. We'll refer to it, back in a few minutes.

Then if there's only one place that God meets man, we'd better be very careful. Now, let's lay aside our traditions this morning, and--in this Sunday-school lesson, and be very sure that we find that one place. Because God has said here, He will not receive you in any other place. Any other church, He won't receive you in. Only in His church, the only place He'll receive you. Now, "What'd you say, Brother Branham? If I'm sincere?" No. Remember, Jesus talked to some sincere people, the worshippers of His day, and He said, "In vain do you worship Me." True, genuine worship from the bottom of their hearts: "In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men," or their denominational creed. Sincere, reverently, just as religious as they can be, and that wasn't new just with the Pharisees. Cain and Abel, the first two worshippers that was born natural birth here on earth, absolutely came in the same attitude.

Cain was just as religious as Abel was. They both built altars. They both loved God. They both made sacrifices. They both worshipped. They both paid tithe. They both done everything just alike. But Abel, by faith, which is the revelation, the Word of God revealed, made plain, showed out, and vindicated... Glory! Cain made an offering, but God didn't vindicate it. God required worship, and Cain made the offering; but God didn't vindicate it. But by the true channel...

You say, "Well, my church is It. My..." Wait just a minute. God interprets His Own Word by Its terms that Its spoke in. See? Cain said, "I am religious. I am a lover of my Maker. I offer to Thee this fine altar. I offer to You this sacrifice. I built all these things up, Lord, because I love You." Abel said the same thing. Now, it's the one that's vindicated, the one that's proven. And God come down and received Abel's sacrifice, because by revelation he had struck the true channel of God that was accepted.

Now, watch that Cain spirit come right down through the Scripture, right on to this very last day. Fundamental? Just as fundamental as the other one was. Look at the prophet Balaam and the prophet Moses. Both of them with seven altars, Jehovah's altars, blood on each one; and not only that, but rams on each one. In numerology, exactly the right number, seven, "perfect," seven rams, just exactly like: both altars. As fundamental as one was, the other one was also. But who did God vindicate? (See, see?) The one that was in His Word. Fundamental doesn't mean too much; it's the revelation of God.

Now, think. These men, why was they called and was put in this condition, these Pharisees, by Jesus. Said, "In vain you worship Me..." Worship Him: genuine worship, true worship from their hearts... "You... In vain you worship Me." Why? "Teaching for doctrine their tradition of men; therefore you make the commandments of God of no effect to the people." If I taught you a Methodist message, it would take no effect on you; this is Bride time. If Moses taught the message of Noah, it would take no effect. If Jesus taught Moses' message, it would take no effect. Because the predestinated seed are laying there that will only be watered by that type of water that's give for that seed. It won't grow any other condition. It must be the condition that grows it.

God is not a author of denomination, because denomination is Babylon, and He's not the author of confusion. We see her all... You don't have to be even intellectual to see that. It's Babylon, yes, tradition. Think of it, sincere people. Now, still, because they believe that, there still needs to be one sincere place where God meets. Now, notice verse 2: "Worship in the place that I have chosen." The sacrifice, of course, where they worshipped, where they sacrificed. "The place that I chose; not what you chose, what man chose, but what I have chosen; you worship in this place." There shows there's then only one place; others is vain. It must be not of your choice, but it must be His choice.

"Well, I don't have to go to the church." Or, "You are so narrow-minded. Why, you even fuss at women about preaching, and--or women about bobbing their hair, and men about these other things. Why, you're so narrow-minded." All right, you don't have to take God's way about it; you go on out where they do that at. See? And you'll find out it's in the Scripture, so, "In vain do they worship Me." See? Jesus spoke of the same thing. See?

Let us notice here also the place that He chose for the sacrifice to be laid, the place that He chose to put the sacrifice. You can't put it on any of these gates; but the place that He chose to put it, He also put His Name in that place. That's what He said here. He chose to put His Name in it. Now, let us search the Scriptures for this place, for that is the place where He put His Name.

Deuteronomy 16:2,
2 Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of thy flocks and thy herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to put his name there.

Now, you can't take this... Your sincerity and all that you want to confess, you just can't take it to the Methodist altar, to a Baptist altar, to a Pentecostal altar. But there is a altar somewhere that He chose that He--to put His Name in it, and He would meet you at that place. Now, if you get everything running just right, it's going to run; everything's set in order. If there's a short in that wire, that light won't come on, because it's been grounded. And when you'll take one of God's Words or one of His places, and in your own heart have selfish objectives, it'll ground the power of God right there. If you do it because you want to be smart, you want to be different from somebody else, or something, right there it's grounded; it'll blow the fuse. You're wrong. You've got to come with sincerity, with all your heart. Your motives and your objectives, placed right on God. Then search for His place, find where He said, and bring it there. See?

Thou shall eat no leavened bread in it;...

What does that typify in the sacrifice? Don't mix it with any creed: got to be the Word. "No leavened bread..." Leaven is the... You know what a leaven is in anything. "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump," the whole lump is the Body. You can't put one speck of denomination or creed into Christ. No, sir, it won't work. You remember the last Thursday night's message? Your old husband must be dead. That's right. Your new Husband is the Word.

... seven days shall thou eat unleavened bread therein,...

"Seven days," what does that typify? The complete Seven Church Ages, seven days. Why'd they have to eat it seven days? Before what? Before going out. And the whole church age, from the beginning to the end, has to live only on the Word of God of that age. So your Roman creed, Methodist, Baptist, and Pentecostal creed's all dead.

Now, watch:
... therein, even the bread of affliction;...

(persecuted for It; Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals: all persecuted, and so will you.)... for thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt in haste:... thou mayest remain the day when... remember the day when thou comest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life. And there shall be no leavened bread seen in... with thee in all thy coast seven days;...

In the beautiful Bride of Christ, after Her death through the dark ages by the Roman empire, that She had to die, "Unless a corn of wheat falls into the ground..." The Bridegroom had to come, the perfect Masterpiece of God. You all heard my message on that.

Notice in here, He said:
...seven days shall you eat this unleavened bread...

Now, bread is typed. Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word." Not just--just a Word here and there as denominations would have you believe it. But the Word of God is perfect. It's God Himself in letter form, called a Seed. And the right kind of unadulterated faith in that Word will bring that Seed to its Life. That's exactly what you see at night in the discernments, and all these other things, because it's a promise that God made. And He stood by me and told me that, and told me these fakers would rise up, but hold steady. I believe It. And no selfish motive to hurt anybody, but to be reverent to God and to do the work that He called me to do, that's why I say these things. And God confirms it back, and receives the offer and the sacrifice by vindicating it to be the Truth: no question to it. Now, watch that Word.

Now, we notice here, "Seven days"; that's for every church age. Now, as that Masterpiece had to die in order to be resurrected to redeem us all... Then He had a church set in order at Pentecost, but that church had to go through a sacrifice; and the Roman world killed it, put them in the ground.

"Seven days, eat unleavened bread."

No leaven shall be found amongst the Bride, no--no word added, no nothing. Remember, one word caused every death that's in the earth; every illegitimate child was borned because Eve, the first church, the bride of the first Adam, doubted God's Word and accepted a denominational, or a intellectual, or a school exceptions of it; because It was reasoned out, that "Surely, God is a good God." God is a good God, but He's also a just God. He must keep His Word. School, she accepted it. There's where some of you seminary boys, no doubt a call in your life, but you run off to some Bible school to have this doctrine injected in you, and there's where you die. Stay with God and His Word. They won't let you; or, you can't even belong to their congregation, won't accept you on the platform. So let them have it; let the dead bury the dead; let's follow Christ the Word.

Now, seven days there shall be no leaven mixed in the Bride, the church, seven days. Now, notice. And now... no... And there shall be no leavened bread seen in thee in all thy coast seven days;... (The sacrifice here is a type: the Bride coming forth from the Sacrifice which is Christ.)... neither shall there be any thing of the flesh, which thou sacrificed the first day at evening,...

...flesh,... the sacrifice the first day... even, remain all night until the morning.

Now, even Luther, who had the Truth and taught the church the just shall live by faith, you don't want to hang onto that being the full doctrine in the Methodist age. What shall you do? Burn it with fire. What was the type of? The denomination that comes out of that Word is the shuck; the stalk, the husks, must be burnt with fire. That denominational part that it come through must not remain; it's got to die. Don't leave it till the breaking of another--another age; burn it up. He's talking now to the Bride here, just the Bride, coming up through every age.

Notice how beautiful, the lamb's blood. These are Christ's Body, the Sacrifice. The lamb's blood on the door... Now, remember, the lamb was slain, which was a type of Christ.

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  The Scripture Saith...

Thou shall therefore sacrifice the passover unto the LORD thy God, of thy flocks and thy herd, in the place which the LORD shall choose to put his name there.

Deuteronomy 16:2

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God interprets
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